Adding Configuration Files to the Software Manager

You can add cmp firmware files, ini files, cli files, conf files and other auxiliary files to the Live Platform Software Manager in order to load them to devices.

The Software Manager page lets operators view, add or remove files. Filters facilitate quick and easy access to device-specific files.

After defining a device in Live Platform, it connects to it and automatically determines its version. Each new version, fix or software update provided to customers must be added to the Software Manager, to enable upgrading device software.

Files per network device include:

SBC configuration files (ini, cli, conf)
MSBR (cli)
SBC software files (cmp)
MP-202 software files (rms/rmt)
MP-202 configuration files (conf)
Auxiliary files (prt, cpt, etc.)

Logo image files to be displayed in reports results:

System files (after uploading a global logo file to be displayed in report results as shown in Uploading a Global Logo to Display in Report Results)
Service Provider file (after uploading a logo image file to be displayed per specified tenant in report results as shown in Editing a Tenant - Defining a Logo for Report Results)

Use the following table as a reference for operator permissions for file management.

OVOC Software File Management per Operator Type

Operator Type

Permitted to Perform this File Management

System (except operators with 'Monitoring' security level)

Add any global file that will not be assigned to any specific tenant. These files will be visible to both 'tenant' and 'system' operator types.
Add a file and assign it to a specific tenant. These files will be visible to both 'tenant' and 'system' operator types.
Download any file visible by the tenant (Added by 'tenant' and 'system' operator types) to any device in the tenant.
Remove any file added by 'tenant' and 'system' operator types.

Service Provider (except operators with 'Monitoring' security level)

Add any file. This file will be assigned only to the tenant. These files will be visible to both 'tenant' and 'system' operator types.
Download any file visible by the tenant to the devices in the tenant.
Remove any file added by a 'tenant' operator type.
Only one SBC software file (cmp) with the same version for a specific product type can be added to a tenant. The CentOS version can be 6 or 8. See also Adding a cmp File for more information.
Software files cannot be shared between tenants (except global). If an operator assigned to multiple tenants adds a file, it can be downloaded only on devices in a specific tenant and not to all tenants.